For your consideration is 18 Presidential pinback buttons. No reproductions. Descriptions are as follows: William Howard Taft w/VP-1908, 7/8", embossed manufacturers markings on back; Taft-1908, 7/8", paper union made label on back; Warren Harding-1920, 7/8", paper union made label on back; Franklin Roosevelt- 1932, 1 1/8", union made marks are printed around backside lip; Roosevelt/Humanity- 1940, 7/8", printing on metal back; Wendell Wilkie- 1940, 15/16", manufacturers printing on metal back; Harry Truman/Barkley- 1948, 15/16", advertising printed on metal back; Truman- 1948, 15/16", advertising on back; Adlai Stevenson-1952, 7/8", manufacturer info on back lip; Kerr- ?, union made printing on metal back; Kefauver- ?, fold down type, manufacturer info printed on top tab; Goldwater/Miller- 1964, 2 1/2", plastic 'flasher', manufacturer info printed on back; Goldwater- 1964, 15/16", union info printed on back lip; Women for Nixon- 1972, 1 3/8", patent info. printed on lip of back; Carter/Mondale- 1976, 1 3/4", no printing on back; Mondale/Ferraro- 1984, 1 3/8", union number on back. Printint is hard to read, even with my loupe, however I will try to answer any questions.